Complete customization of your emails
For the last few months we were getting lot of emails from our clients to change the text of emails. Earlier we allowed clients to modify the content of the emails except header and footer. We did that on purpose to make it easy for our clients. We have clients from different countries and every country has its own style of writing.
Finally we decided to make it more generalized while keeping the balance between the ease of use and complete control over emails. Thanks to everybody for your valuable suggestions.
So, we request everybody to login into your account and customize your emails completely. Please do not hesitate to send us more suggestions and comments.
Bug Fixes and logical changes
1. We have fixed Google Calendar Synchronization issue. If you have multiple calendars in Google calendar then you can now select which calendar you want to update.
2. Added Polish Language.
3. Added more customer information such as city, state, country on calendar and customer tab.
4. Added more filters in reports.
5. Improved pre-payment flow.
6. Added customer’s appointment history on customer tab.
If we have missed something then please send us your feedback at