All you wanted to know about Appointy 5.0
Appointy 5.0 was pushed to all customers last week. Here is the list of changes you will notice in your account:
- Improved and intuitive appointment popup
We have brought every information related to appointment on a single screen. Clicking on any appointment will open a popup (instead of context menu) with appointment and customer details. Apart from rescheduling or cancelling an appointment, you will be able to check-in or record payment from a customer from this single screen.
Even group bookings are shown nicely 🙂
Select customers and perform group actions like cancelling multiple appointments with a single click. We have also added real-time notification to this screen. So, for every class, event or group booking, you can keep this screen open and see self check-in from customers in real time.
- Staff filtering on analytics
Measure staff performance over time. (Available with Business and above membership) - Specify a reason while blocking the time
How many times you forgot the reason for blocking a time? It won’t happen now. Now, you can specify a reason for every time you block. Even the events from your Google calendar that are treated as blocked times will have the event details.
- Block a time from your mobile phone
Now you can block time from your mobile devices also. - Unblock a time from the day view directly
Mouse hovering “?” icon on the blocked area will show the reason for blocking.Clicking on “?” icon bring a popup to unblock the time.
- Disable a staff or service from admin panelDisabled service or staff were always shown in the admin area. The only way to remove disabled services was to delete them that resulted in removing of all the data corresponding to that staff or service. Now, you can hide a disabled service from the admin calendar interface. However, all appointments corresponding to the disabled and hidden staff can still be available in the reports.
- Create and push deal from customer tab
Creating a deal just got easier from customer tab - Set criteria for “New Customers”
- Filters in credit charge report
- Filter appointment report by “Add-on”
- New field called “Address” to map address on Google map.
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