Introducing Appointy 6.0 – Simply beautiful!

Today, there are many smart phones available in the market with each having something special. But what it takes to make a smart phone unique? Is it a feature that allows scroll without touch or a 24 hours of battery life on 3g? What would you prefer? To make the story short, the basics of the product should be right to make it unique.
With Appointy 6.0, we have tried to fix the basics. We have completely redesigned the administrator/staff interface with better utilization of space and information. Here are some major changes in Appointy 6.0:
Redesigned administrator and staff area
As you can see, the left side of the calendar looks clean. Calendar, Staff, Services, Current Appointments, Customer Preview and Today’s Earning are shown with a small icon on the left.
Most of your time is spent on the calendar or Agenda view. Now, you can minimize the left side bar and get some extra working space.
Till version 5.0, Staff were shown as open between calendar and services area. Due to space limitation, we were not able to show some vital stats of staff earlier. Now, the entire staff area is replaced with a link and image. Mouse hovering staff link will show staff list on the right side with their availability (in percentage) in real time for the selected date.
Similarly, services were shown as open at the bottom in the left bar in earlier versions. It is now replaced with a link and image which opens service list on the right. Each service can now have its own color.
We have completely redesigned the Agenda view. Its looks more like a timeline view.
A new and refreshing process payment area that looks more realistic.
Upgraded Google API 3.0
Google recently announced their Google API 3.0 that bridged the gap between Appointy and your Google apps (including Google log-in and Google calendar). We have migrated to Google API version 3.0.
What does it mean to you?
If you are only using Google login then you don’t have to do anything. However, if you have linked your Google calendar with Appointy then you will need to login today and re-link your Google calendar.
What we were not able to cover in this update?
We started building a concierge service that would allow your customers to schedule an appointment themselves at your premise. It is still into development and will be released next.
IPhone and Android App is also into development.
Package feature is in our top priority which would also be launched in the next version.
With current version of Appointy, you were able to analyze your business and fill gaps by reaching your customers faster. But what if Appointy can help you sell your open times.
Currently, we are experimenting on ways to help you find new customers. In the coming year, our focus is to help you reach more customers while keeping your customer acquisition cost low.
Hope you will enjoy more working with Appointy than you do today. Do share your feedback to
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