Appointy gets a Knowledge-Base
Find instant solution to your question about Appointy from our Knowledge-base.
Like everyone, we hate to wait. But with 23000+ businesses using Appointy, it becomes almost impossible to reply to every email instantly. We always listen to our customers and try to improve interface to reduce the number of general support queries per day. We are still trying to improve and with version 3.0 launch hoping to bring general support request to almost zero.
“Appointy – The Most Powerful Scheduling Software on the Planet” – As said, Appointy has features that no other scheduling software offers till date. Starting from “Back-to-back Booking”, “Recurring Booking for Customers”, “Quantity Booking” etc, has increased the learning curve and hence every setting needs time to understand.
With a view to provide instant support to our customers, we are announcing our knowledge-base. Our knowledge-base is 20% now and will grow with support emails received daily.
Please feel free to search for an instant solution.
– Appointy Team