Appointy goes multilingual
We are proud to present Appointy in two more languages. Besides, English it is now available in Spanish and Portuguese.
Your clients would be able to switch between languages by clicking on the desired flag on top right. (Shown below)
To activate languages go to Settings Menu –> Rules Tab. Scroll to bottom to see the following area:
We would like to thank Joachim and Jorge Nunes for helping us in translating it in Portuguese and Spanish respectively.
Want to see Appointy in your language? Help us to convert it. Send us an email at We promise to bring Appointy in your language within a week.
Bug Fixes and logical changes
1. Fixed the IE8 Popup issue. Appointy now works in IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
2. Temporary fixed the thrid party cookie issue in Iframe. Mostly, it happened on MAC. The reason being that the default setting of the browsers does not allow third party cookie. Your client would now see a message to enable third party cookies and will be redirected to your scheduling page at appointy. We will get a final solution soon.
3. Increased font-size of service description at client area.
4. Earlier, when you had admin open in the same browser, the popup did not show the book now button. It has been fixed now.
If we have missed something then please send us your feedback at
How to see the administration panel also in the choosen language???