Tip – Sync with Appointy
Did you ever feel the need of Synchronizing Appointy with your favorite calendaring tool you use to manage your business? I am sure most of you must have faced the need at some point.
Appointy provides 2 ways to synchronize your calendaring tool with Appointy:
1. Sync desktop calendaring tools like Outlook, Windows calendar, Apple iCal or any other calendaring tool which supports iCal.
We provide iCal feeds which you can subscribe directly in your favorite calendaring tool. Login to your admin area and you will see a iCal feed button besides tab as shown below.
Clicking on it will open a window and will show you the iCal supporting softwares installed on your computer. Select the one, which you want to synchronize with Appointy.
2. Sync web based calendaring tools like Google Calendar or 30 boxes.
We also provide synchronizing web based calendaring with Appointy. It is real time process and Appointy can update your web based calendaring tool as soon as you or your client books an appointment. To enable it login to your account. It can be Admin, Staff or Client. Select Mashups for the menu and find the calendaring tool with which you want to synchronize appointy. You will see something like shown below:
Remember that this is one way synchronization from Appointy to Google Calendar. We are working to make it 2 way.
There is a small bug in synchronizing with google calendar. Google does not update accounts having multiple calendar. We are working to get this issue fixed.
Please contact us for any further question you may have.
Do you offer a 2 way sync with Google Calendar yet?
Appointy provides 2 way synchronization with Google calendar. Appointy to Google calendar is automatic while Google calendar to Appointy requires a unique URL to be called after any changes to Google calendar. This unique URL can be bookmarked and does not require to login.
As soon as someone will book an appointment, Appointy will update Google calendar in real-time. Similarly when some one will add an event on Google calendar then *it can be blocked on Appointy.*
*- Integrates well with your mobile’s native calendar via Google Calendar and Google Sync
*Once linked with Google calendar, Appointy will update Google calendar which can further synchronize to Android phones or other mobiles using “Google Sync” which can be downloaded from here.
This synchronization works like a charm and this double synchronization is instant.
*- Each staff can link their own Google calendar.
*Appointy allows multiple staff login and each staff can link his own Google calendar.
*- Google Apps calendar can also be linked.
*Appointy can link with your Google calendar on your Google Apps account,
just like you integrate normal Google calendar account.
Following are the steps to link Google calendar to Appointy:
1. Login to your admin area.
2. Go to MASHUPS>>GOOGLE CALENDAR>>Click on the “Synchronize with google
calendar” link
I hope this helps. Should you have any further questions and concerns. I’ll
be happy to help.
Best Regards,
– – –
Manishi Singh | Relationship Manager
A p p o i n t y , I n c .
1301 East Broward Blvd., Suite 330
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 | USA
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Hi Manishi,
Thank you for this feature. I have been having trouble with blocking appointments in appointy that were made in google calendar. I did all of the steps. The mashup-google-(put in correct calendar)-(checked “active”)-hit “saved”-clicked on “sync with google calendar” and it didn’t block the time. I just tried to log out and log back in, and the time looks like it blocked correctly. Is this what I have to do every time or is there an easier way?
Ok, I tried to schedule a couple more appointments in google calendar, went through the manual update, logged out and back in and it didn’t block the correct times. I think I must be missing something?
I cannot get this working either. Followed all the steps. It syncs one way from appointy —> google. But not the other way round.
Please can you fix this!!