Team Appointy sets Guinness world record along with 2567 developers in Microsoft Appfest
Team Appointy is proud to announce we have broken the world record at the coding marathon (Microsoft’s 18 hour nonstop marathon) with other 2,567 developers participating in the same app-fest. Without you people, it could not have been possible.
We got an invitation from Microsoft to develop windows 8 app for Appointy 4 days prior to the event. Our team has been using Microsoft Windows 8 for 5-6 months now and always enjoyed working on it. We took it as a challenge and went to the event held in Bangalore, India.
Our challenge was to port Appointy’s feature, as much as we can to Windows 8 app. We have always loved windows 8 and to our surprise developing a Windows 8 app took almost half time as compared to other platforms. Appointy team not only ported Appointy to a Windows 8 app in 18 hours but the first expression from Microsoft Engineers was “WOW, what a beautiful app”. Our app was approved instantly in the first round which you will be seeing in Windows 8 app store after its launch.
We are really excited about Windows 8 and its future. If you are planning to buy Windows 8 then do not forget to download Appointy app.
What do you think about Windows 8 and its future? Please share your views in the comments section.