Allow customers to book using your website credentials without creating a new account.
October 17, 2012 | Leave a comment
Appointy now supports OpenID authentication to allow users on your website to book with their existing login credentials. To know more OpenID, please visit
Website powered by WordPress can enable their website as OpenID provider by using a plugin from WordPress plugin marketplace. Here are the steps:
- Install Appointy WordPress plugin from here
- The next step would be to make your wordpress site OpenID provider. Please install wordpress plugin – “OpenID” from and activate it.
- Once installed, you will see a new option in “Users” menu called “Your Trusted Sites“. Click on “Your Trusted Sites“. In “Add Sites” enter your complete URL of Appointy. E.g (replace demo with your username at appointy)
- Send your blog URL to and we will setup OpenID in your account. We will email you once setup.
- After setup, you will need to change the IFrame src to http://{yourusername} To do this, go to wordpress admin area and click on “Appointy Settings”. On the right hand side, in the text area change the “src” of the IFrame code.
Appointy also support LDAP authentication which only allows Users in your organization to login. LDAP authentication is good for Universities or Large Organizations.