Happy New Year 2015!
Looking back at 2014, we are struck by how incredible an year it has been! We started the year by being one of the top 16 technology start-ups at Microsoft Accelerator Program. During the year, we pushed 2 updates including Appointy 6.0, arguably our most comprehensive software update yet. We ended the year by shifting our base to California.
The year 2015 is exciting for us as we have a number of important updates lined up for you, starting with a fresh website in early January. We are also on track to bring significant software updates during the year making sure Appointy remains one of the most flexible and powerful online scheduling solutions on the planet. A new mobile app for both Android and iOS is also in development.
In 2015, we would like to re-affirm our commitment to helping you grow your business and reach new heights of success.
We take great pleasure in wishing all our customers a happy and prosperous new year 2015!
Entire Appointy Team