8 Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies To Shoot-Up Your Sales Like Never Before

People often tend to undervalue the importance of a financial advisor in their wealth creation strategy and probably that’s why the success rate in the financial services industry hovers around 12%!
However, the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that the industry will grow by 5% by the end of this decade! That means the supply is increasing as a consequence of the increase in demand. Phew, that’s some respite, isn’t it? Oh wait, this also means that there’ll be 21,500 financial advisors job openings every year for the next 10 years!
Before you blame the heavens and make all hell break loose on me for presenting these dreadful statistics herein, let me tell you that the secret to standing out amongst your competitors is nothing but a well-carved plan consisting of all the essential financial advisors marketing strategies executed in the right way!
And what does marketing for financial advisors look like you ask? Very well then, here are three things that you must keep in mind, to build a fool-proof marketing strategy:
1. Define your brand value and offering
- What is the mission statement of the company?
- What is the vision statement of the company?
- What is the range of products offered?
2. Identify customer pain points and expectations
- Financial: Are the existing solutions very costly?
- Convenience: Can we offer a more convenient solution?
- Service: Do we fill the service gap present in the market?
3. Identify your target audience
- Build a strong contact database
- Create buyer personas
Seems like a lot of work, doesn’t it? Ah, how easy life would have been if there was a numbered strategy list that discusses all the essentials in detail? You are in the right place, my friend! In this blog, we will discuss 8 simple and effective marketing strategies for financial advisors that you can implement right now, to increase your customer base!
How about peeking through the curtains a little, before the show begins in all its glory? Here’s a list, especially for you, discussing the strategies that we are about to cover:
- Put yourself out there!
- Leverage your social media presence
- Do not let your hard-earned customers slip away
- Do content marketing the right way!
- It’s the age of hyper-personalization!
- Optimize your website for your ideal client
- Network, network, and network!
- Measure the right numbers
*Curtains rise, nervous laughter follows, triumphant music plays and the narrator says: Let the show begin!*
1) Put yourself out there

Look, regardless of how good you are at what you do, it’s simply impossible to gain customers, if they don’t know that your business exists in the first place, isn’t it? Marketing hence is essential for any business to succeed. But how to market yourself as a financial advisor? Now, here are a few ways in which you can make your business discoverable:
- Setup Google My Business. Haven’t we all searched so many things online before we made an informed decision? And, Google is that one search engine, which holds a staggering 92.18% of the market share in this domain!
A huge number of your potential clients are putting up all their financial queries to find answers on Google and probably are also looking for local advisors that best suit their needs. It’s your responsibility then, to make sure that your business shows up, and setting up Google my business does exactly that! It’s a brilliant marketing strategy for financial advisors.
Here’s how you can do it:- Create a Gmail account and set up your business profile by using the Google Business Profile Manager
- Follow the verification process instructions & complete the verification process
- Test it out! Check if the business description, address, working hours, contact information, etc. are all reflected correctly or not. Don’t worry if something is incorrect, you can edit it at any point in time.
- You’re all set, and now your business is officially listed on Google!
- Reserve with Google is another very crucial feature that people often miss out on! Even after you have listed your business on Google, providing them with a seamless booking experience is essential for you to make sure that the lead that is generated is converted into a customer. But how exactly can you benefit from RwG? Here’s an amazing blog on how RwG can help your business.
Also, if you don’t have a scheduling partner yet, why not consider Appointy? The perfect scheduling partner which also was one of the initial launch partners for Google Reserve back when it was piloted in early 2017! You can thank me later 😉
- Reach out to journalists or do something to let them cover you. Local newspapers are generally interested in covering interesting local happenings. Do something out of the box, such as sponsoring youth sports. Through this, you will get your name in front of the youth sports market of all the people involved such as parents, coaches, program organizers, players, and fans. It’s a really cool & noble financial advisor advertising technique that you can use.
- Write a column. The easiest way to establish your expertise is by writing a column on financial affairs! The amazing thing about this investment advisor marketing technique is that it’s free, and targets people living nearby, giving you more chances of finding clients that are relevant to your ideal market.
2) Leverage your social media presence

Ah, here comes the time to discuss the elephant in the room: social media! If there ever was a list comprising of the top 10 digital marketing ideas for financial advisors or a guide on online marketing for financial advisors, social media tips and tricks would definitely be on the very top in both cases!
We understand that social media marketing can often get overwhelming! And this not being done in a proper way has severely affected several financial planner marketing plans. Here’s a consolidated list of things to take care of, so as to make sure that your strategy is fool-proof:
- Include the book now button on your social media pages such as Instagram or Facebook to ensure that all those page visits aren’t going to waste!
- Share information about your articles, events, and webcasts. This is one of the easiest ways to leverage your social media following. By sharing these details you can make sure that the lead generated on social media is pushed to the next stage of his/her customer journey.
- Share third-party information like other financial blogs or ideas that you came across. By sharing relevant information about other powerful brands, you are enabling the “mere association effect” which in turn, enhances your brand image in the viewer’s mind. I mean, marketing is just psychology dressed up in some pretty clothes, isn’t it? Remember this idea for all the financial advisor marketing strategies that you follow.
- Use great hashtags that match your content. Some could be #retirement #wealthmanagement #financialadvisor #financialwellness. Here’s a really great guide that pinpoints exactly how many hashtags are to be included in your content pieces based on the platform that you are posting them on.
- Design professional pages/accounts on Instagram, FB, and LinkedIn. Remember, your page is a reflection of your brand, and hence it’s essential that you maintain consistency in your content and design so that your brand image is perfectly reflected every time they land on your page.
- Also try and start a YouTube channel, in which you can talk about various trends in the Finance Industry. Maybe discuss financial advisor marketing tips? I’m just kidding! Let’s not give your competitors the edge that you’ve gained, by reading this blog all the way till here my friend!
- Do you run a podcast? Podcasts have exponentially shot up in fame over the past few years. A massive 78% of Americans are aware of podcasting and almost 60% of US Consumers listen to podcasts!!
3) Do not let your hard-earned customers slip away

Why is it that most of the financial advisors’ marketing ideas are circling around generating fresh leads when retaining customers and ensuring recurring revenue from them is also as important, if not more? This is even more relevant for financial services, where each year a lot of things change for the customer. Here are a few ways in which you can make sure that your customers stay:
- Ask for feedback. One of the easiest ways to make sure that the customer stays is by asking them for a review. Why not schedule a separate meeting altogether with your client to discuss the services that you offered?
And as the meeting heads towards its climax, you can slowly start discussing their plans for the next year, and more often than not, they will end up signing you as their advisor (given that they’re satisfied with how you managed their funds) for the next year as well. Quite a crafty marketing strategy for financial advisors isn’t it?
- Let your clients complain. Complaints define what customers want, help you build stronger customer relationships, and are one of the least expensive market research tools around. Moreover, a staggering 91% of unhappy customers who do not complain simply leave! It’s imperative then to make sure that you create an atmosphere where the unhappy customers also feel that they can express their views freely.
- Refine your services based on the feedback. Collect the feedback, apply it to your services, deliver the refined services to new customers and then again collect the feedback. This is known as a feedback loop, which is generally used in software development to refine the product, however, this can become a hugely advantageous strategy that you can adopt alongside all the other financial advisor marketing strategies that we discussed to refine your services.
4) Do content marketing the right way
Did you know that nearly 80% of B2B marketers report having a content marketing strategy, but only 43% have documented their strategy? The fatal flaw in content marketing is not getting the fundamentals right!

For example, we are all aware of blogging, as it is one of the most crucial aspects of a content marketing strategy that has to be a part of your financial advisor marketing strategy as a whole. But what is the right way to do it?
People often fail to understand that blogging is all about educating, not advertising! Here are a few things that you should take care of, to make sure that you’re doing it right:
- Make your blogs visual. An all-text blog without visual content is as bland as a food dish without spices! Make sure that you spice up your content piece by introducing just the right amount of visual forms of content!
- Have clear conversion goals. There’s a famous quote by Stephen Covey, that says “Begin with the end in mind” and this is appropriate to blog writing as well! What is the end result that you want to achieve through your blog? Is it to get the reader to try out your services? Is it to get the reader to subscribe to your blogs? Have a clear understanding of the purpose of the blog.
- Link your social media handles. Social media has become the go-to platform for consumers to check out your brand and has the potential to become an incredibly powerful sales tool, so do not forget to link your pages in the blog. Again, remember the psychological aspect of financial advisor marketing strategies that we discussed before? Leverage!
- Create a blog post cadence. A blog is equivalent to a modern-day book, it’s a tangible product that your readers can view whenever they search for your brand. Create an editorial calendar, schedule out blogs to post a few months in advance. Start slow and stick to a consistent schedule.
- Showcase your credentials. Show how many people are already using your services. It’s one of the easiest ways to show your expertise and build trust.
- You can talk about things like best personal finance management practices, investment ideas relevant to the current day and age, financial literacy, etc., in your blogs.
As you get more sophisticated, you can also start implementing other digital marketing ideas such as writing eBooks/whitepapers, hosting webinars, creating videos, doing podcasts, and other forms of multimedia content to increase engagement. But you first need to create a blogging schedule and stick to it. Remember, once the content is published it’s likely to stay there for a long time, so make sure to give it your best shot!
5) It’s the age of hyper-personalization
Ditch the general messaging!
“You can’t be everything to everyone”
John Anderson, MD of advisor services for Independent Advisor Solutions by SEI
Enabled by the advancements in technology and accelerated by the pandemic hyper-personalization has now become one of the biggest trends across the industries in business and the idea of maintaining that high-touch has become extremely crucial hence.

Essentially, hyper-personalization is making sure that the communication is personalized and the experience is customized. You must incorporate this trend as several financial advisor marketing materials would suggest. Here are a few ways through which you can manage to do the same:
- In-person meetings are crucial. We all know that customers open up in a much better way when you meet them in person vs. just being another voice over the phone when you cold call. Besides, you’ll also get to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their needs in a much better way, so as to deliver tailored solutions, and hence this becomes an essential part of your investment advisor marketing toolkit.
- Host a client event. Hosting a client event is not just an amazing way to show appreciation for your existing clients, but it also helps in building better relationships with them. Besides, you might also find new clients by asking your clients to bring one additional guest, if they like! Every such plus one could be a new customer for you.
- Send off-season greetings. Look, everyone wishes us on our special days, but the ones that come at an unexpected time and place often stand out. Be that person in your clients’ lives, to make sure that you stand out from the crowd! For example, send a “happy spring” card with a sticker of your brand.
- Have a movie night. Why don’t you partner with a local movie theater? Or maybe you can rent it out as well, to throw a free movie night party for all your clients. It can be a small, private movie night conducted in a family-friendly way.
This then becomes one of the most powerful financial advisor marketing strategies as far as your family-oriented clients are concerned. They can maybe bring in their children or grandchildren even. It’s just an easy and fun thing to do that you can definitely give a shot to strengthen your client relationships.
We understand that it can be very difficult to have one on one meetings, host client events, and schedule movie nights, during the pandemic! A good substitute for these would be using video conferencing platforms such as Google Meet or Zoom.
Try using Appointy for a hassle-free way of scheduling your events, sending reminders to the guests, and automatic incorporation of meeting links, through Appointy + Zoom integration!
6) Optimize your website for your ideal client

Optimizing your website is one of the most important marketing tips for financial advisors. Remember, The target audience should always be kept in mind while designing your website.
A 2020 Broadridge Financial Solutions survey found that almost two-thirds of advisors who get leads through their website consider their websites ineffective, showing that website optimization is always a work in progress.
“Optimize your firm’s site to educate, connect and capture leads by making it a one-stop-shop for all information on your offerings as an advisor”
Kevin Darlington, general manager of Broadridge Advisor Solutions
Here’s how you can optimize your website:
- Take a good look at your fonts. Your fonts are a very important part of presenting your content. Use fonts that are easy on the eyes; this means they’re not tiny and are not too bright to read. People simply assume that because Times New Roman looks great in print, it will also look great online!
This is not true in fact, according to research by Penn State University best fonts online are Arial, Courier, and Verdana are considered more legible than Times New Roman. Also, don’t be afraid to experiment herein! For example, after a lot of experimentation, I have realized that a particular font style, Proxima Nova, works the best for my style of writing.
- Make sure your background is in-line with your company’s brand image. Ensuring that there is consistency in content and design is imperative to building a successful website, as failing to do so sends confusing signals to your readers.
Also, try and put your face on your website, as tons of studies have been conducted to demonstrate that having a human face on your website helps establish credibility as well as human connection with the site visitors and hence will ultimately help in increasing your conversions.
- Use the squint test. Get up in front of your desk, walk a few feet away from your computer screen, and squint. You will have to make everything blurry so that only the most prominent features (large and colorful) are noticeable.
When you do this, you are basically seeing what a visitor might notice when he/she scans or skims your website for the very first time. If you’re not happy with what you see, change it!
Pro-Tip: Look, the whole point of a website is to prompt users to take some sort of action, and what better than the client booking a free session with you? So, as a financial advisor adding a book now button to your website is a very powerful CTA that you simply cannot forget to add to your marketing arsenal.
7) Network, network, and network
One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of financial advisor marketing strategies is networking and people don’t really understand what networking is! Contrary to the popular belief, networking is not about having the “perfect list of clientele”. In fact, networking is all about building valuable connections, irrespective of if they add immediate value to your business or not.

The idea is simply to foster such relationships so as to benefit from them in the long run by creating a win-win situation, as beautifully put herein:
“Networking is more about farming than it is about hunting“
Ivan Misner, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI
Here are a few ways through which you can get started on networking:
- Look for movers and shakers. Look over your local newspapers and publications to see who are all the people that are making rapid strides in their careers. Did anyone get promoted to a big role? Is anyone receiving an award or recognition for their contribution to a certain field of business or academia? Call these people and congratulate them.
This is an excuse that you can use to call them up but always remember, don’t try to sell anything. Give a very basic introduction of what you do and how you found them, but let them speak. Remember, people love to speak about themselves!
- Attend local networking events. Reach out to the business owner associations in your area to see if they have any regular networking events for the association members. These events tend to have the perfect demographic for your business and connecting with these members can hence be extremely beneficial.
- Join mastermind groups. You’ll find these on various social media platforms plush with members. Most of these groups would be private so make sure to layout valid reasons for them to accept your request. If you are unable to find any mastermind group, go ahead and start one, reaching out to other financial advisors on LinkedIn would be a good start for this marketing strategy.
Set aside a particular time each week to discuss various developments and upcoming events in the field. The advantage of these groups being online is that you can enjoy a much wider reach, as you can connect with professionals in a variety of locations outside of your local area.
8) Measure the right numbers

Another very important part of this list of financial advisor marketing ideas is to measure the right numbers. Track metrics that help you measure your progress. For example, a new entrant in the field might mainly be focused on attracting and converting new clients, In which case, he should be measuring the various parts of their sales and marketing funnel based on how many leads he identified and where they came from.
We understand that collecting, storing, and managing such huge amounts of data can often get cumbersome. Don’t worry we have got you covered! With Appointy + Google Analytics integration, the whole process becomes smooth and trouble-free! Do not forget to check it out!
Keep track of how much money you make per each direct outreach. For example, consider that you call around thirty prospects and get three appointments. Out of those three appointments, one person becomes your client. Now let’s say you make five hundred dollars from that particular client. This essentially means that you make 500 dollars for every thirty calls that you make. Now when you turn this whole thing around and see, you realize that you’re making around 17 dollars, every time you call someone up! Isn’t that amazing? This is an essential marketing technique and besides some of your financial planning skills come into play here as well!
As a financial planner, this is a marketing idea that you should be able to apply very easily, as it’s all about the numbers! Follow the same procedure as sighted in the example. Find out how many calls it takes for you to get an appointment. Then figure out how many such appointments you will need to convert that one lead to a client, and voila! Now you know exactly the amount of money you make per phone call.
*The show ends, curtains come down, cheers, hoots & a thunderous round of applause follow*
Winding Up
Phew! That was some show right there, wasn’t it! Well, I might have gotten a little carried away therein, but hey, what’s to life if there’s no fun! And coming back to the central theme of the blog, look, there’s a famous saying that goes like this “To each his own”.

It’s a line from the play Macbeth and basically means that you may never know what works the best for you, so keep looking for fresh new financial advisor marketing strategies and keep trying different things so that in the end you have your very own tried and tested financial advisor marketing strategy that works the best for your business!
One last thing, the pandemic has digitized the entire wealth management industry, as presented in this report by Deloitte. It’s high time to embrace technology if you haven’t already!
An appointment scheduling software for financial advisors like Appointy helps in automating manual administrative tasks like appointment scheduling for consultants, payment processing, employee management, etc. hence letting you focus more on improving your business.
I hope we meet soon in another blog, until then, Ciao!
About Appointy
We at Appointy, help business owners grow and run their businesses with our online scheduling software. This blog was a part of our ‘Manage your Business’ category, where we provide expert tips, and resources, or simply talk about the challenges that small and medium businesses face every day.
If you have any thoughts on this blog or would like to chat about your business struggles and achievements, let us know in the comments below.
We love a good talk!
It was a great post. Financial advisor marketing strategies are important today if your goal is to build a sustainable and profitable business.
Thanks, definitely.