Appointy Tips, Google Apps, Howto, Reserve with Google

Reserve with Google Expert Guide: How to Get Listed?

get listed on reserve with google

There is one thing that lies at the heart of any new or fast-growing business: Getting new customers. In order to achieve that, it is crucial to get discovered among the right people.

Fortunately, Google has just launched Reserve with Google (RwG in short ?); a new service that will allow your customers to find (and hopefully book) local services like yours.

Google has over 1.2 billion unique users per month and is an amazing marketing opportunity for small businesses like yours. Getting set up used to be a pain, but with RwG, it will become much easier to connect with customers online.

Here’s something you should know before Getting Listed.

If you want to get listed on RwG, you need to have an account with one of RwG’s scheduling partners (like Appointy). Scheduling partners are third-party online scheduling software that help your customers book your services.

Appointy excited to be an initial launch partner for Reserve with Google

Now, one of the following questions might pop in your head.


What if:

  • I don’t have an account with any scheduling partner?

  • I use an online scheduling software but it is not one of RwG’s partners?

Let’s answer these questions one by one.

#1. You don’t have an account with any scheduling partner? Get listed now!

Congratulations.. You are ready to start from scratch. All you need to do is make an account with one of RwG’s scheduling partners, like Appointy and you’ll be listed automatically.

The Reserve with Google integration is available in our Growth plan.

Click here to know about the various plans we have to offer

#2. You use an online scheduling software but it is not one of RwG’s partners: Switch to the easiest option.

Don’t worry. We’ve got your back!

If the scheduler you use isn’t one of RwG’s partners, a simple and secure data migration program is available with Appointy.  You can switch easily. You choose from a variety of plans available according to what works best for you.

The last word:

We believe, that RwG can create significant value (more customers in plain speak) for small business owners such as yours, simply because of the reach that Google enjoys. Google has access to Google Search, Google Maps, Google Now and many other products that together probably help them touch almost every potential customer that has access to the internet/ a smartphone. If they can’t do it, maybe no one can!

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